Tuesday, March 15, 2011

An Introduction

This blog is a product of what we call an "Aha!" moment. One minute I was just asking a friend if we could have a cookout at her place, the next minute I was like, "Hey, maybe we should put those stuff in a blog somewhere!" Our name, the Weekend Eating Warriors, or W.E.W. in short, I came up with after a couple of hours thinking about a sort of cool (yeah right) or at least distinctive sounding name (the acronym by the way is a stylized version of "wow", usually used by people on the internet.) It is meant and most probably will be a compendium of all our food travails; from eating to cooking, dining in restaurants, markets etc. What would be “different” with these things would be that they shall be tackled from a (college) student's viewpoint. What makes a college student viewpoint different from the next person's viewpoint you ask? Truth be told I'm not entirely sure, but I guess being in college is the time wherein a lot of people try out being independent, or try out a lot of other things for that matter.

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